Why Top 45?

These are the things that float to the top of my list of activities that I want to do for the year 2012 when I am 45 years old. The list is comprised of things that I have either never tried or have wanted to try and just didn't have the courage or time to do it. Follow along and watch my progress and feel free to comment or add words of encouragement to help keep me going for the next 365 days!

Monday, March 26, 2012

SXSW Day 7 Recap

     Before Susan, Nic's grandmother, left Austin, I wanted to be sure to take her out for a couple of activities on her last night in town.  Since I only bought the film badge and didn't buy anything to go and see music during SXSW, I took the advice of my friend, Paige, to meet up with her and some of her friends to see Diego's Umbrella at Waterloo Ice House on 35th Street.  It was early enough in the evening for kids to come along so Susan and I went with Nicole and the Bradfords, Kellyn, Scott, Ian and Grace to eat dinner and enjoy some music.
     Diego's Umbrella did not disappoint!  The group describes themselves as Gypsy Pirate Polka with a mix of rock, punk and ska intertwined.  Kellyn pointed out a Greek feel to the music which was true and made me think of the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding and the music that was often playing in the background.  The music was a lot of fun, at least for the adults, the kids seemed unimpressed.  We would have stayed longer but the kids were ready to go after we ate and Susan and I had a movie to catch.
Pant's by Diego's Umbrella

     After getting Nicole settled in with her friend, Grace, at the Bradford's home, Susan and I headed over to the Alamo Village satellite venue to see Girl Walk//All Day.  We were a bit early and decided to grab a drink because Susan would have to wait for badge holders to go in first before verifying that there would be any seats available for her.  After some nice conversation over a glass of wine at Cover 3, we returned to the theater, got in the non-badge holder line, and within 5 minutes, Susan was handed a free ticket from one of the producers of the film.  Susan's excitement about getting a free ticket and being able to brag about it to Jay and Andy was priceless.  More about Girl Walk//All Day below.

Movie Review
Girl Walk//All Day
Director: Jacob Krupnick
Screenwriter: Jacob Krupnick
Girl Walk // All Day is a feature-length dance music video and tale of urban exploration that follow three dancers across New York City. They turn the city's sidewalks, parks, and stadiums into an evolving stage as a story of rebellion, love, and discovery unfolds. Shot entirely in public spaces, and funded entirely by crowd-sourcing, Girl Walk // All Day is a statement about the power of community and public space. Set to the album All Day by mashup musician Girl Talk, it's also an insanely fun love letter to New York.
My Review-
Jay introduced me to Girl Talk music last summer and I really liked it then.  My biggest concern was that chunks of it has some rap music with a good bit of cussing and I wasn't sure how Susan would like it.  Not to worry, she LOVED the movie.  Even I could have done without some of the lyrics, but the concept of the film was creative and the energy, especially of the female dancer, was contagious.  Girl Talk does not have 'permission' for covering most of the music that he mashes up, so the movie Girl Walk//All Day is not eligible for distribution.  According to the director and his wife, one of the producers, you can see the whole movie online.  They didn't stay after for the Q & A because Girl Talk was playing the same night in downtown Austin for SXSW and they have never met or seen him life.  Ironic part about that situation is that it was Jay and Andy at a previous screening of Girl Walk//All Day mentioned to the producer and director that Girl Talk would be in town playing SXSW...small world.

Below is the opening scene of Girl Walk//All Day.  NOTE: Some lyrics are not appropriate for young ears nor in an office setting.  Enjoy!

One more day of SXSW and then I have to wait until next year....Susan already offered to help watch Nicole in 2013!

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