Why Top 45?

These are the things that float to the top of my list of activities that I want to do for the year 2012 when I am 45 years old. The list is comprised of things that I have either never tried or have wanted to try and just didn't have the courage or time to do it. Follow along and watch my progress and feel free to comment or add words of encouragement to help keep me going for the next 365 days!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Well, I guess this is a belated Happy New Year post since it is actually January 2, 2012. 

This morning while laying in bed playing on my phone, I received the email below:

The title of the email is "Top 12 for 2012" and my initial reaction was, "Doh!" why didn't I think of that!?  NO!  I had to go and set up a list of 45 things I am going to try to accomplish in 2012.  Curse you CompUSA for taking my idea!

Seriously though, I saw the quote below on FB today and it is motivating me this morning.  I have already started the list and have a task to check off, just have to get the accompanying photo taken to post along with the item and will do so today to post either tonight or tomorrow.

I leave you with the thought for today:

"We will open the book.  It's pages are blank.  We are going to put words on them ourselves.  The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day." ~Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Have a great day!

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