Why Top 45?

These are the things that float to the top of my list of activities that I want to do for the year 2012 when I am 45 years old. The list is comprised of things that I have either never tried or have wanted to try and just didn't have the courage or time to do it. Follow along and watch my progress and feel free to comment or add words of encouragement to help keep me going for the next 365 days!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Physical List

The first part of the list outlines some physical things I will work to accomplish next year including the following:

  1. Get physical exercise 5-6 times a week for 45 weeks
  2. Capitol of Texas 10k or an Austin 5k like Turkey Trot
  3. Livestrong Challenge – October
  4. Danskin Tri – June
  5. Austin Tri – September
  6. 135/8 - ongoing
  7. Attend a Masters swimming meet
  8. Change hair either color, style or?
  9. http://warriordash.com/
The biggest thing I aim to get out of this part of the whole list is to feel stronger than I have in recent years.  I am already swimming in a masters swimming program at my local YMCA up to three times a week and often go to the gym a couple more times each week especially when my daughter is in her swimming lesson.  I have found that in preparation of the coming year, instead of making excuses for why I don't want to workout, I try to find reasons TO workout.

In order to be properly prepared for the Cap 10k, Danskin and Austin triathlons, I am going to have to ramp up my training to do a little more each week including getting on my bike more and start running.  I have done the Danskin Tri and Capitol 10k before so I am familiar with them, it is adding in the Austin Tri, which is co-ed, and the Livestrong Challenge that are a little daunting since I have never done a bike road race or co-ed event.  

As for my hair, I have basically worn it the same way for years...it is getting boring to me and just would like to change it up a bit.  My daughter didn't seem to like when I mentioned this, but I assured her it could go back to the way it was before and I keep telling myself this to not be so nervous about it myself ; ).

The 135/8 refers to the weight and size I would like to be by the end of the year.  I don't put too much emphasis on this because I think it will just come naturally with the overlap of physical activity I will be engaged in, and if it doesn't happen, I will have a lot of work to do at the end of the year to get there.

The Warrior Dash looks like something fun to do and will probably be considered and alternate to the entire list because I have to relax sometime.

Next Up:
Home related tasks...

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