Why Top 45?

These are the things that float to the top of my list of activities that I want to do for the year 2012 when I am 45 years old. The list is comprised of things that I have either never tried or have wanted to try and just didn't have the courage or time to do it. Follow along and watch my progress and feel free to comment or add words of encouragement to help keep me going for the next 365 days!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


On Wednesday, January 11, 2012, I attended my first member-only preview at Laguna Gloria Art Museum with my friend, Greg.  The preview was featuring the artists Lauren Fenersterstock, Steve Wiman and Buster Graybill.

Of the two exhibits in the main building of Laguna Gloria, I preferred Steve's work.  While I found Lauren's work interesting and could appreciate the attention to detail and the many hours it must have taken her to complete some if it, after a while, it seemed a bit redundant.  My favorite was Steve Wiman's installations.  At one recent exhibit that you can see on his website, http://www.stevewiman.com/newworks.html , titled 'The Currency of Accumulation" and I especially like the symmetry that he is able to strike with his found objects.  It appears that the sphere is one of his favorite shapes and it comes in the form of string balls, ornaments, glass balls, metal balls, etc.  In the picture above, you can see part of his paint brush installation that creates an intriguing landscape.  For me, there was something peaceful in his creations maybe related to the objects, their textures or just their symmetry or it could just be I am familiar with it as Nicole likes to collect objects and often just leaves them lying around, like her crystal collection on the back porch.

The last installation we visited just as the Cedar pollen was taking over my nose, throat and head and causing me to sneeze incessantly, was that of Buster Graybill.  On his website at http://bustergraybill.com/home.html , he describes his work as "I harvest memories, stories, language and objects from the rich cultural geography of rural America and use it as creative fuel."  The installation was rather small and made up of some various sized metal feeders that he created that looked like large Everlasting Gobstoppers from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and photos or screens playing videos that he collected of animals feeding at the feeders he placed around the countryside.

You can see one of the videos here:

This particular video is titled Ramtastic and was originally exhibited at his Artspace exhibition titled "Tush Hog" in 2010.  Greg says he liked this exhibit the best because he was able to see some animals he has never seen before, I just liked it because the name of the video and his exhibition made me giggle.

Coming soon, I am going to enroll Nicole and I in an art class that they offer at The Art School for Parents and kids.  I figure it will be mush more fun checking off this item off my list if I do it with Nicole because she LOVES art.

Coming in the next couple of weeks:
Apple Class
Austin Lyric Opera - Lucia di Lammermoor

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