Why Top 45?

These are the things that float to the top of my list of activities that I want to do for the year 2012 when I am 45 years old. The list is comprised of things that I have either never tried or have wanted to try and just didn't have the courage or time to do it. Follow along and watch my progress and feel free to comment or add words of encouragement to help keep me going for the next 365 days!

Monday, October 24, 2011


I have heard in the past that one should set SMART goals.  SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.

Specific goals have a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general one.
Measurable goals establish a concrete criteria for measuring progress.
Attainable goals make you develop attitudes, abilities, skills and financial capacity to reach them.
Realistic goals must represent an objective toward which you are willing and able to work.
Timely goals should be grounded in a time frame, without it, there is no sense of urgency.

"The List" is broken down into 5 areas.  I didn't mean for it to be that way, but as I was revising it, it seemed to fall into place.  I have until December 31 to set the list in stone, and I will probably have a couple of alternates, but here this is how it stands today:

  1. Get physical exercise 5-6 times a week for 45 weeks
  2. Capitol of Texas 10k or an Austin 5k like Turkey Trot
  3. Livestrong Challenge – October
  4. Danskin Tri – June
  5. Austin Tri – September
  6. 135/8 - ongoing
  7. Attend a Masters swimming meet
  8. Change hair either color, style or?
  9. http://warriordash.com/

  1. Passport Vacation
  2. Trip with Kim, Stacy and other peeps - August
  3. Paragliding - August
  4. Surfing lessons - August
  5. Snowboarding/snow ski - December
  6. Drink Chateau d’Yquem
  7. Chicken Shit Bingo – January
  8. Zip lining in the Hill Country - January

  1. Make my bed each weekday morning - ongoing
  2. Garden enough to produce some vegetables/herbs - ongoing
  3. Get an egg from a hen in our coop - ongoing
  4. Empty kitchen sink each weekday night - ongoing
  5. Redecorate Nicole’s room for 10th birthday - June

Just do it
  1. Blanton Opening – January (Go West! Exhibit opens Jan 14)
  2. AMOA Opening - ?
  3. Wine & Food Festival – La Dolce Vita October
  4. Opera – Turandot - April
  5. Broadway Across America – Wicked - January
  6. UT football game - November
  7. Symphony – December (Handel’s Messiah or Christmas Sing-Along)
  8. Ballet – Romeo & Juliet - May
  9. Paramount Theater show or movie - Summer
  10. Volunteer for Thanksgiving or Christmas
  11. Texas Advocacy Project Volunteer (Handbags for Hope?)
  12. SXSW - March
  13. Austin Film Festival - October
  14. Organize family birthday calendar and distribute @ Christmas – December

  1. One handwritten note a week to Nicole to Christmas present book - ongoing
  2. Creative writing class – DOM - January
  3. Photography class – February        
  4. Art class - February
  5. Top 45 @ 45 Blog - ongoing
  6. Al-Anon Blog - ongoing
  7. The Artist’s Way writing and Art dates - ongoing
  8. A letter/note a week to a friend or family member - weekly
  9. IPhone/Android app/Apple class – January
  10. Practice French - ongoing
  11. A Whole Foods or Central Market Cooking class

As I said before, most of these things will stay on the list as long as they pass the SMART test....

Anyone is welcome to take part in some of the list, the more the merrier (especially training for the physical items ; ) )!

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